Pitlochry High School

R e s p e c t
Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School

Severe Weather

Planned Closure

Parents will be given appropriate warning, usually on the school website, of any planned closure of the School (eg for in-service days). 

The Calendar and News on the Home page of this site are also useful reference points, updated throughout the year. 

Emergency Early Closure - Nursery Pupils

If weather conditions are poor and deteriorating please ‘phone the school and/or check this website prior to setting out. If the school has to close during the day you will be contacted. Please make sure we have an emergency number or, where relevant, the number of your place of work.

Emergency Early Closure - Primary Pupils

In the event of an emergency closure of the School (eg when blizzard conditions develop suddenly in the course of the day) pupils will be allowed home only once the staff are assured that someone is able to receive them. For this reason, each pupil will be given a form home each year to give details of a “snow address”.

If weather conditions mean that a closure is necessary the following procedures will be in place:

  • all P1-P7 travellers will have a call made to home and/or snow address to ensure someone is available to receive them and buses will leave only once these calls have been completed - for this reason it is imperative that parents inform the School about any change of phone number;
  • all P1-P4 local pupils will have a call to home and/or snow address to ensure that an adult will collect the child from the School;
  • all P5-P7 local pupils will have a call made to ascertain that someone is at home and/or at the snow address and they will then be released to walk home on parental approval;
  • local pupils in P1-P4, at the request of parents, may be released to walk home with older brothers and sisters if this is thought suitable;
  • no pupils will be released until a destination has been ascertained. In prolonged periods of severe weather conditions, information will be relayed on Radio Heartland as well as being available on Tay Connect.

A phone-line for travelling pupils will be put in place to advise of decisions of closure in the morning. Each year parents will be given up to date information concerning this service. It would be most advantageous if pupils who travel, or who have to walk a reasonable distance, have a more local snow address in case travel becomes impossible.

This website Home page will carry news of closures within minutes of the decision being made to close the school.

Emergency Early Closure - Secondary Pupils

In the event of an emergency closure of the School (eg when blizzard conditions develop suddenly in the course of the day) pupils will be allowed home only after telephone checks have been made for those who travel by bus or taxi and checks made with local pupils that someone is at home to receive them or the pupil has a neighbour to go to.

Buses and taxis will leave early for those pupils travelling a distance. Pupils who live out with the town should have an emergency ‘Snow Address’ to which they can go if the weather is too bad to travel. It is most unlikely that we will ever need to use this but we feel it is a wise precaution.

A form will be sent home each year requesting a ‘Snow Address’. This should be within safe walking distance of the School. Each year parents will be given up to date information concerning the procedures followed in the event of an emergency closure and giving contact numbers for parents to ascertain whether the School is indeed open.

This website Home page will carry news of closures within minutes of the decision being made to close the school.

Severe Weather Arrangements - Useful Contact Numbers

Contact Information for Parents

Please note announcements of school closures will be made as soon as possible following receipt of information from schools advising of a closure.


Contact Details

When Used

Other Comments

Radio Tay Am

Not applicable

All Instances

Frequency AM 1584  and 1161    

Radio Tay Fm

Not applicable

All Instances

FM 96.4  and 102.8

PKC Customer Service Centre – Number for Parents

01738 475000 (main Council line)

All Instances

Available from 08:00 hours to 18:00 hours Mon-Fri however this line may operate from 07:00 hours in exceptional circumstances. 

PKC website



All instances

Parents/Carers can find closure updates on the Perth and Kinross Council website by logging onto www.pkc.gov.uk where closures will be flagged up on the Home page, or alternatively access the information on http://www.pkc.gov.uk/Schoolclosures

PKC Twitter and Facebook



All instances


Radio Heartland

Not applicable

Widespread conditions

FM 97.5, 106.6   Used if schools closed are within an area known not to receive Radio Tay signal

Radio Central

Not applicable

Widespread conditions

FM 103.1  Used if schools closed are within an area known not to receive Radio Tay signal