Pitlochry High School

R e s p e c t
Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School

Social Subjects - BGE


Geography, History and Modern Studies are taught by the Social Subjects team in Pitlochry High School with courses designed to promote enjoyment and challenge. We know our pupils well and at all times pupils are encouraged to work to the highest level possible.

 In S1 & S2 each course is taught in a “block” of time before moving on to the next social subject on the rota. It is aimed to provide a smooth transition between Primary and Secondary School in the Social Subjects, the new classes taking into account skills learned in Primary, while offering new challenges to the pupils.

 Wider Achievement & Links to Partner Organisations

In developing courses within “A Curriculum for Excellence” the department has collaborated closely with others across the school to develop opportunities including The John Muir Award and the Rapid Response Engineering Challenge.

In recent years Social Subjects pupils have explored the history and landscapes of Highland lochs and glens, linked their learning with Art to create Andy Goldworthy style art near Loch Tummel, and explored the role of nature tourism as a land use and as a key employer in our local area.

 S2 pupils have engaged in visits to historic sites of national importance to look at the role of landscape in events that shapes Scotland as well as fieldwork in the local area.  S2 pupils visit Dynamic Earth in conjunction with the Science Department and S3 pupils visit the Verdant Works in Dundee to explore industry.

Successful Learners

Course work is assessed on the basis of performance in class and homework; assessments are also given at key times in each subject. These results and pupil progress are passed on to parents through regular reports and at parents’ nights.

 In S3 pupils choose Social Subjects from Geography, History and Modern Studies and continue to develop skills within Broad General Education, which will help them in their S4 National year. Recent fieldwork has taken pupils to the Scottish Parliament, Balhousie Care Home, Pitlochry heritage sites and Blair Castle.

 Biotechnology Day

All pupils take part in an interdisciplinary Biotechnology Day which links Geographical, Historical, Food Technology and Science learning whilst giving pupils an insight into several career paths.

In S1-3 our courses promote active learning opportunities with Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Well Being skills built into pupil experiences. It is hoped in this way to prepare the pupils for the exacting standards set in S4 and beyond, where Geography, History and Modern Studies are all on offer as National courses.

 We offer engaging National 3, National 4 and National 5 courses in Geography, History and Modern Studies. The uptake by pupils reflects the courses popularity.

Miss Robertson (PT) & Mr Delahunt