Pitlochry High School

R e s p e c t
Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School

Primary 5S

Monday 21.10.2024

Task One:

Literacy - Write about a view from your window in any format you like (e.g. story, poem, letter) and include as much detail and description as you can. Make sure you have a title, full stops, and finger spaces. Then draw a detailed and colourful picture to go with it.

Task Two:

Reading - Spend at least 20-30 minutes reading a book or other text that interests you and talk about what happens with an adult. Use this time to do your reading homework set before the holidays if you have not already done it.

Task Three:

Numeracy - Practice your times tables and division on Topmarks (Times Tables Games for 7 to 11 year olds). Play any times tables or multiplication and division games in the 7-11 age range.

Task Four:

Daily mile - Go for a walk. Try to walk for at least 20 minutes to achieve the daily mile.

Task Five:

French - Practice your French speaking on BBC bitesize (2nd level French - BBC Bitesize).

Please put your name and date on all written work!

Extension tasks:

Complete todays wordle (Wordle - The New York Times).

Play a board game.

Write or draw about anything you did in the holiday or anything you are looking forward to when you come back to school.

Miss Shea


Week 6 - Topic

This week, we have been learning about dragons as part of our mythical creature’s topic.  P5S have spent the week making their own dragon eggs out of paper mâché.

They each put three layers of paper mâché on their balloons and then got to pop the balloons and decorate the eggs with bright paint, glitter, sequins, and pipe cleaners!  

Everyone stood up at assembly to show and talk about their eggs, including what kind of dragon was inside and some even gave their dragon a name!

- Miss Shea 





Week 5 (12.09.2024) - Topic

This week, we have been learning about leprechauns as part of our mythical creature’s topic.

The class were asked to plan and make leprechaun traps in small groups. They were given some time the day before to plan and gather resources and then had 40 minutes to build them.

Each group demonstrated how their traps worked, and we discussed how well each trap worked at catching the leprechaun!

- Miss Shea 





Week 4 - Maths

This week we have been learning about multiplication strategies, particularly arrays, number lines, and grids.

To practice arrays, the class have been using Lego blocks to visually show their multiplication sums.

We have enjoyed learning about these new strategies over the past week and especially enjoyed creating and solving their own sums!

- Miss Shea 




Week 3 (27.08.2024) - Topic

Similar to last week, we continued to explore using different materials to make a new home for Nessie.

This week the class were asked to build Nessie’s new home out of Kapla blocks.

We compared the sturdiness of these with the Lego houses and agreed that the Lego bricks would be a more sturdy and suitable material for building Nessie a new home than Kapla!

- Miss Shea 





Week 2 (22.08.2024) - Topic

This week, we have been learning about Nessie, the loch ness monster, as part of our mythical creature’s topic.

The class were set a challenge to build Nessie a new home on land - or a ‘holiday home’ - out of Lego. They were given 30 minutes to complete this in groups of 3.

We discussed the sturdiness of each of their homes and talked about if Lego is a suitable material for Nessie’s new home!

- Miss Shea 






p5s newsletter august 2024.pdf