Pitlochry High School

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Nursery News

21 October 2024 Nursery – Online Day 1.

Below are  few ideas for your child's learning .  We hope you can enjoy the outside sunshine at some point today. Continue to enjoy play with your child and we will put out more updates tomorrow.

Health & Wellbeing

Go for a short nature walk, either outside in the community or around your own garden. Collect leaves, sticks and stones to make Leaf Art

When you’re outside talk about the changing seasons and differences between them. Why are the leaves brown, why do they fall from the trees etc.


When out on your nature walk measure your sticks and leaves, which ones are bigger? Use language like Big, Bigger, Biggest. What items are heaviest a which are lightest.


Read a autumnal book, talk about the characters and themes. Here is a link to 'Leaf Man' by Lois Ehlert , that you can listen to online. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAQrfSNUq8Q


Please click on the link below for the nursery parents' question of the month - September 2024

Pitlochry Nursery Newsletter September 2024.pdf

For our latest pictures please click on the Gallery on the front page.

may 2023 newsletter.pdf