Pitlochry High School

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PKC Coronavirus

Arrangements - New Term

Following the First Minister’s announcement that nurseries and schools will stay shut for the majority of pupils until at least the start of February, Perth & Kinross Council is issuing details to families about the new arrangements.

Local Authority schools and nurseries will only be open for children of key workers and vulnerable children, including those with complex additional support needs, from what would have been the start of term from Thursday 7 January 2021.

If you use other providers of Early Learning and Childcare, you should contact your provider directly to clarify their arrangements. You can check the Level 4 regulations on childcare on this link: Parent Club Guide to Childcare Level 4.

  • Childminders can stay open to all children and should operate in accordance with Level 4 guidance
  • Nurseries and all other childcare providers should open only to key worker and vulnerable children.
  • Informal essential childcare can continue in accordance with Level 4 guidance

The festive holiday has been extended for all other pupils until Monday 11 January 2021.

From then, they will stay at home as remote learning is provided by their nursery or school until at least Monday 1 February 2021 under new lockdown restrictions.

The Scottish Government will review that position on 18 January 2021.

Childcare will be provided on 7 and 8 January, and in-school learning from 11 January to the children of essential workers who are categorised as category 1,2 or 3 key workers by the Scottish Government.

Your child may be able to attend their own school, or school-based nursery setting school on the days that you are required to be at work if all of the following apply:

  •  both parents are key workers


  • you are a lone parent and a key worker 
  1. Both parents, or a lone parent, are required to attend at your place of work (if an adult is working from home then your child should stay at home)
  2. You have no one else available to look after your child. If there is a relative or friend who can reasonably provide childcare through an informal essential childcare arrangement, you should not send your child to school.  Informal essential childcare arrangements are permitted within Level 4 restrictions. 

Available staff will facilitate home learning and childcare activities for those who attend school or nursery as required during the school day. It should be noted that in-school learning for pupils will be the same as for those at home but supervised in school by an adult.

 Those who were previously identified as essential workers by Perth & Kinross Council will also be eligible for childcare, if they meet all the necessary criteria, as will contact tracers involved with Test and Protect or those directly involved in the rollout of the Coronavirus vaccine.

Perth & Kinross Council schools have worked with families to ensure that all children and young people who need support to access a digital device will receive the necessary support.

So far 950 new iPads, laptops and ProBooks have been delivered to schools for distribution to those who may be digitally disadvantaged.

 Secondary schools will also be speaking to pupils directly about the implications for qualifications course work.

Children who are classed as clinically vulnerable should not attend school.

School meals will be provided and paid for in the normal way. Those who receive Free School Meals will continue to do so. Direct payments for those who qualify for Free School Meals will continue during the lockdown.

Transport will continue to be provided as normal for those who will attend school.

Please note that due to the new, additional criteria for eligibility,  unfortunately not all applications for childcare will be able to be processed by 7 and 8 January 2021.