Pitlochry High School

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Linguascope - a free language learning resource

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The school pays a subscription every year to access LINGUASCOPE, a website designed to help your children and you learn languages! The school's username is pitlochry, and the password is available from your children or by telephoning the school. The website is www.linguascope.com . 

Linguascope features a range of languages, including English,  French, Spanish, Italian, German, Russian, Maori, Arabic, Chinese and Welsh.  In each language is a range of games, activities and printable worksheets. These are also available as free apps, using the school's login and password.

Linguascope is ideal for people learning English, as all levels feature English as a language-learning option.

The school can advise what level is right for your child. As a general rule of thumb, p1 to p5 should be trying the "Elementary" levels, p6 up to S2 should be trying "Beginner", and S3 onwards should be using the "Intermediate" levels.

For more information, please contact the school.