From Nursery to Primary
In transition to P1 there are joint curriculum planning meetings and teacher ‘exchanges’ and in the summer term Nursery pupils come to play in the active play area each day (4/day) and Primary 1 visit the nursery with the potential for ‘buddying’. There are also strong links with P7 pupils on a rota basis (2/day) at lunchtimes.
Transition between Primary Classes
In order to support all pupils with these transition stages our Nursery and P1-6 pupils have a single transition day with their next teacher in Primary and an information pack held for each class is passed to the receiving teacher. There is on-going contact between the older and younger pupils e.g. through IT support and playtime monitoring duties
From P7 into S1
P7 pupils from our Cluster have a two day transition programme in June with one other liaison day organised in the Easter term. Our Skills Development Scotland colleague and our Community Link Worker support the transition programme.
Liaison between our Primary staff, their Support for Learning department and our Secondary Support for Pupils department (Support for Learning, Behaviour Support and Guidance) is on-going through the Integrated Team meetings, becoming more focussed during P7. All pupils meet the Secondary SfP team during their two day induction in June and, at the same time, parents are introduced to the SfP team at the welcome evening also held during the two day induction programme.