Primary 1
Remote Learning – Monday 21 October
Good morning Primary 1,
I hope you all had a lovely October holiday. I have put some tasks together for you to complete today while you are at home. The timings are just a guide, and tasks can be completed at a time that is suitable for you and your family and in any order.
Kind Regards,
Mrs Callaghan
Morning Task 10am |
Please draw a picture of something that you have done during your October Holidays. Talk to someone at home to tell them about your picture and what you have drawn. |
Morning Task 11am |
Please spend some time on Topmarks Maths carrying out ordering and sequencing number games.
Afternoon Task 1pm |
Please go for a walk (with an adult) or into your garden and gather come Autumn items; leaves, acorns, pinecones etc and use these to create a picture or model. You can be as creative as you want and please try to take a picture of your creation to show someone else later.
Afternoon Task 2pm
Independently read a book You can do this on your own by looking at the pictures and making up your own story. Can you find any letters that you have learned so far in your book? Can you blend any sounds together to try to say some of the words?
Week 2 -6 September - Numeracy
This week we have been focussing on dice -quick recognition and repeating patterns.
The class have been playing games in pairs to practise reading the dice quickly, which you have also been practising at home.
We have also started looking at repeating patterns, and have used a range of resources to create our own repeating patterns.
Homework news
Homework will be set and collected on a MONDAY to allow you time throughout the week to revisit the sounds and complete games. A little everyday is always better than a long chunk, particularly when learning the sounds. Also no longer than 10 mins at a time for writing practise.
Mrs O'Connor