Registration for Primary 1 - August 2021/2022
P1 Registration Week for pupils starting school in August 2021 takes place this week: 11-15 January 2021.
With the current restrictions in place for the COVID-19 Pandemic, children should be registered using the online form found on the PKC website, by searching for Primary and Secondary School Enrolment. You will find information here on what you need to provide in order to register your child/ren.
Parents/carers who do not live within the school catchment area, but who wish to register their child/ren at Pitlochry High School must complete a Placing Request Application Form, available via the PKC website as above, as soon as possible and by no later than 15 March 2021. If submitting a placing request, the parents/carers should not complete the registration form at this stage.
Please contact the school on 01796 474666 if you have any queries or difficulty in completing the online registration.