Eco-Schools Scotland
The Eco-Schools Scotland team are very excited to announce that thanks to a partnership with e-Sgoil and SCILT, we will be delivering online lessons for pupils and CPD for teachers.
Using the tried and tested e-Sgoil platform, a timetabled set of classes will start on 27th April, and gradually increase over the weeks ahead. The lessons will be provided by us at Keep Scotland Beautiful, SCILT, the National Languages Centre, and e-Sgoil.There will be live interactive teaching for learners as well as professional development opportunities for teachers. All of the lessons have been adapted over the last few weeks for a learning at home basis, some are existing and well known areas of the curriculum, and others are launching for the first time.
We will be delivering classes for pupils on:
Eco-Schools @ Home: ideas and resources to help you make the improvements at home that are important to you
Young Reporters Scotland: covering what it means to be a “reporter”, the process of going from idea to finished project, tips for writing, photography, and film
Climate Ready Classrooms (for Secondary pupils only): a course over 8 sessions preparing young people to become carbon literate ambassadors who plan and act on climate change issues within their own schools and communities, leading to accreditation from the Carbon Literacy Project
Details of how the classes can be accessed by pupils are available on the attached leaflet.
e sgoil national offering timetable revisions.pdf