Pitlochry High School

R e s p e c t
Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School

Information for Parents

Sensory Advice

QR Code to Order Free Sanitary Products - P6-S4 Pupils

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zero waste foodie poster online version.pdf


 Remote Learning January #pkcremotelearning

remote learning.pdf

Police Scotland - Online Safety - Parents and Carers CEOP.pdf

 NSPCC - keeping safe.  Here are some links for parents…

A resource for parents aimed at keeping children safe on social networks – information here http://www.nspcc.org.uk/preventing-abuse/keeping-children-safe/share-aware/

The NSPCC Schools Service has recently visited all children in Primary 6 & 7 to provide them with key messages about keeping safe.  It can be beneficial for these messages to be reinforced at home. The NSPCC has developed some guides for all parents of primary school aged children  to speak to your child about keeping safe – called the Underwear rule.

 You can find guides to the Underwear Rule to help you have simple conversations about keeping safe from abuse at www.nspcc.org.uk/underwear

 You can speak to an advisor for further advice or request a hard-copy guide for parents and carers by phoning the NSPCC Helpline on 0808 800 5000. You can also visit www.nspcc.org.uk/parents for other advice on keeping your child safe.


For more information on Child Exploitation and Online Protection please visit: https://www.ceop.police.uk/safety-centre/

The Council advertise all vacancies on the portal https://www.myjobscotland.gov.uk/councils/perth-and-kinross-council/jobs , including all our Modern Apprenticeships. .